Friday, May 10, 2013

Final Semester Reflection :(

My favorite piece of literature this semester was Oedipus. Because I love to read drama. Also I the movie made me happy. I think that was the best story that I read next to Romeo and Juliet, from freshman year.

The piece of literature that I didn't like would have to be none of them. Because they all were interesting and fun to read. They all had drama which I like, and the drama keeps me interested, and makes me want to keep reading.

For me the most enjoying things to do in class would have to be blogging and class discussions. Because they both were a lot of fun. And they both help me say what I felt about what we did in class.

What do I feel I have gained in this class would have to be all the history we learned about literature. And all the new story's that were written in the old days that I had no clue about.

I would have to say that I don't have anything else that I would have rather studied. All I have to say for the end is that Mrs.Olson your the best teacher ever and that I will miss being in your class.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Final Ind Reading Blog

One of the most important character in the book was Celie. She is the  narrator in the book. She is poor and uneducated, also she has a bad life. Second important character in the book is Nettie, who is Celie's younger sister. And she is the one that Mr.______ originally wanted to marry.She was very important to Celie. The third important character in the book is Mr.______ who is Celie's husband. He abused her for years, but at the end of the book he got nicer. The forth important character in the book is Shug Avery who is a singer, and was Mr.______ first mistress. Shug became friends with Celie and then later her lover. Shug also help Celie become independent women. So what I have learned from the end of this book is that not all differences can be overcome. Also at the end of the book there were lot of people that came together, like the one between Celie and Mr.______, but there are several unresolved differences at the novel’s end. Like the one  between the Olinka villagers and the whites and between Nettie and the indigenous Africans. I think this was an amazing book, and it was a little bit disturbing but other then that it was good. I will give this book and 6 out of 10. Number 1 being the worse and 10 being the best.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Post #4

The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales was written by a man name Geoffrey Chaucer. There are 19 tales altogether, and they were written in the 14th century.The Canterbury Tales tell the story of a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury who engage in a tale-telling contest.The prize for this contest is a free meal at the Tabard Inn at Southwark on their return.

The Reeve 

The Reeve is the third story told in The Canterbury Tales. The Reeve is a is the manager of a large estate who reaped incredible profits for his master and himself. In the story they say that he is skinny and bad tempered . This reeve’s lord never loses so much as a ram to the other employees, and the vassals under his command are kept in line. However, he steals from his master. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Post #2

       So after what I posted last time what I have read so far, is that Celie's sister Nettie is being hit on by Mr.______ and he keeps giving her complaments on how shr looks good and stuff.  But every time Mr.______ does say something Nettie just passes the compalement to Celie. Because Nettie did that Mr.______ kicked Nettie out of the house and Celie thinks that her sister has died. That is what I have read so far this week.

        In class this week we read The Iliad and learned about Hektor and Achellies. We learned about the fight that they had and why they had the fight. I think that the movie Troy  is better then the Story personally but I didn't mind reading The Iliad .

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Post #1 For 2nd Quarter

This quarter I will be reading the book The Color Purple By: Alice Walker. The reason why I chose this book is because, I found the title of the book interesting. And because a lot of people said that it is a good book. So far i have read about 18 pages and what has happened in the book so far is that there is a girl name Celie. Who had got beaten up by her dad and raped by him too. Her mother just died, and she got married to this man who is called Mr.______ in the book.  Mr.______ has kids and they don't like Celie so they do thing to get Celie in trouble, then Mr.______ would beat her.  So far the book is sad but I know that it is going to get better. And that Celie's life is going to get better, and I will read until it does. Even though the book is sad i do like the way it is written and I like the setting how it takes place in her house, or some times at a story, and other places.  This is all I have for this time. :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Final Blog

The main character in the book was Heathcliff an orphan brought to live at Wuthering Heights by Mr. Earnshaw. Then there was Catherine daughter of Mr. Earnshaw. Heathcliff and Catherine were in love with each other. Also edgar Linton was a main character in this book he was a spoiled boy and he was handsome, pleasant, cheerful, and rich. The other two main people were Lockwood and Nelly they were narraters not really a characters, but they were important. Lockwood's narration forms a frame around Nelly's. Through the book Heathcliff was the main protagonist (main character).

The way the book ends at the end is kind of happy, but at the same time it is sad. Because i can't tell you the ending i would say that ending is not really a surprise. But it was good over all. At the end the time in the book is going really fast so you have to pay attention to what year you in and everything, and what things have happened to the characters. If your emotional like me then you might cry but if your not then you will be fine. you won't cry for too long, because the ending is good.

If i were to rate this book i would give it a 3 because i did like the book but as much as. i usually like a lot of surprises but there were not a lot in this book.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Post #4

So this week we learned a little about Taoism and Star Wars in English. when we were talking about Star Wars i had no idea what we were talking about but then after watching the video i got a little idea of what it was about. And after watching the first movie of Star Wars this weekend i for sure know what "The Force" is. Now i know that the force is a binding, and a abstract power.


 In the past 2 week i have read until chapter 15. So far what has happened until my last post is that Nelly waits for Edgar to leave for church, and then takes the opportunity to give Heathcliff’s letter to the ailing Catherine. Then Heathcliff and Catherine start talking about thing and during the conversation Catherine clams that both Heathcliff and Edgar have broken her heart. And then Heathcliff adds that she has killed herself through her behavior, and that he could never forgive her murderer. And so far this is what has happened in the book.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Post #3

Some of the similar things between Hebrew lit and The Epic of Gilgamesh are that they both had one hero. Also they both had flood and too save them sleeves from the flood they had built a boat. And wired as that was both stories had animals that they saved. In both of the stories the flood was created by heavy rain, which destroyed everything in both of the stories except for what was in the boat. Now some of the differences were that they both had different hero's one was Noah and other one was Utnapishtim. Also a differience is that Noah's story was directly from god and Gilgamesh's story was a dream. The Noah's flood story was 40 days and The Epic of Gilgamesh was only 6 days. The boat in Noah's story was rectangle and The Epic of Gilgamesh had a square boat.

This week I have read until page number 48. So what happens in these two chapters is that Lockwood falls asleep and enters into a pair of nightmares.Then he attempts to break off the branch by forcing his hand through the window glass. But instead of a branch, he finds a ghostly hand, which seizes his own, and a voice, sobbing the name Catherine Linton, demands to be let in. To free himself, Lockwood rubs the ghost’s wrist on the broken glass until blood covers the bed sheets. The ghost releases him, and Lockwood tries to cover the hole in the window with a pile of books. But the books begin to fall, and he cries out in terror. Heathcliff rushes into the room, and Lockwood cries out that the room is haunted. Heathcliff curses him, but, as Lockwood flees from the room, Heathcliff cries out to Catherine, begging her to return. There are no signs that the ghost was ever at the window. He later escorts Lockwood home, where the servants, who believed their master dead in the storm, receive him with joy. Lockwood, however, retreats into his study to escape human company. Lockwood now becomes lonely, and When his housekeeper, Nelly Dean, brings him his supper, he begs her to sit and tell him the history of the people at Wuthering Heights. Then in chapter five Mr. Earnshaw grows frail and weak. Annoyed by the conflict between Heathcliff and Hindley, he sends Hindley away to college. Then Joseph’s mad religious beliefs appealed to Mr. Earnshaw as he gets closer to death. Soon, however, Mr. Earnshaw dies, and it is now Catherine and Heathcliff who turn
to religion for comfort. They discuss the idea of heaven while awaiting the return of Hindley, who
will now be master of Wuthering Heights. Will see what happens next time I'm so excited I love this book. :)  

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Post #2

This week we read about the battle of humbaba. In the battle of humbaba Enkidu dies. Then after Enkidu death Gilgamesh went on a search to find mortality. Because to Enkidu death he has started to fear death.

This week i read chapter 3 in the book this was a little confusing but i know it will get better. In this chapter Zillah leads Lockwood to an out-of-the-way room from which Heathcliff has forbidden all visitors. He notices that someone has scratched words into the paint on the ledge by the bed. Three names are inscribed there repeatedly: Catherine Earnshaw, Catherine Linton, and Catherine Heathcliff. He also finds a diary written about twenty-five years earlier. Apparently the diary belonged to Catherine Earnshaw, and Lockwood reads an entry that describes a day at Wuthering Heights shortly after her father died, during which her cruel older brother Hindley forces her and Heathcliff to endure Joseph’s tedious sermons. Catherine and Heathcliff seem to have been very close, and Hindley seems to have hated Heathcliff.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Wuthering Heights

I'm reading the book Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. I choose this book because I found the title very interesting. And it makes me keeps wondering what the book is about. So far I have read about 26 pages and they have been about. How Lockwood have been writing a diary that takes place in 1801. In it he describes his first days as a tenant at Thrushcross Grange, an isolated manor in thinly populated Yorkshire. Shortly after arriving at the Grange, he pays a visit to his landlord, Mr. Heathcliff, a surly, dark man living in a manor called Wuthering Heights. So far I think the book is amazing there a lot of thing that happen and it doesn't bore me. It a very interesting book.

Why did I take World Lit?

I took world lit because I needed one more English class to graduate. And because I love to read.