Friday, May 10, 2013

Final Semester Reflection :(

My favorite piece of literature this semester was Oedipus. Because I love to read drama. Also I the movie made me happy. I think that was the best story that I read next to Romeo and Juliet, from freshman year.

The piece of literature that I didn't like would have to be none of them. Because they all were interesting and fun to read. They all had drama which I like, and the drama keeps me interested, and makes me want to keep reading.

For me the most enjoying things to do in class would have to be blogging and class discussions. Because they both were a lot of fun. And they both help me say what I felt about what we did in class.

What do I feel I have gained in this class would have to be all the history we learned about literature. And all the new story's that were written in the old days that I had no clue about.

I would have to say that I don't have anything else that I would have rather studied. All I have to say for the end is that Mrs.Olson your the best teacher ever and that I will miss being in your class.

1 comment:

  1. Dhruva, thanks so much for your kind words. I am so glad you enjoyed World Lit. Great literature is...well...GREAT! It has been fantastic to have you in class this semester. Your contributions to class discussions enriched the class much, and your good humor is always a breath of fresh air on a bad day. Good luck with all your future pursuits; I know you'll do great!!
