Friday, March 8, 2013

Final Blog

The main character in the book was Heathcliff an orphan brought to live at Wuthering Heights by Mr. Earnshaw. Then there was Catherine daughter of Mr. Earnshaw. Heathcliff and Catherine were in love with each other. Also edgar Linton was a main character in this book he was a spoiled boy and he was handsome, pleasant, cheerful, and rich. The other two main people were Lockwood and Nelly they were narraters not really a characters, but they were important. Lockwood's narration forms a frame around Nelly's. Through the book Heathcliff was the main protagonist (main character).

The way the book ends at the end is kind of happy, but at the same time it is sad. Because i can't tell you the ending i would say that ending is not really a surprise. But it was good over all. At the end the time in the book is going really fast so you have to pay attention to what year you in and everything, and what things have happened to the characters. If your emotional like me then you might cry but if your not then you will be fine. you won't cry for too long, because the ending is good.

If i were to rate this book i would give it a 3 because i did like the book but as much as. i usually like a lot of surprises but there were not a lot in this book.

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