Sunday, May 5, 2013

Final Ind Reading Blog

One of the most important character in the book was Celie. She is the  narrator in the book. She is poor and uneducated, also she has a bad life. Second important character in the book is Nettie, who is Celie's younger sister. And she is the one that Mr.______ originally wanted to marry.She was very important to Celie. The third important character in the book is Mr.______ who is Celie's husband. He abused her for years, but at the end of the book he got nicer. The forth important character in the book is Shug Avery who is a singer, and was Mr.______ first mistress. Shug became friends with Celie and then later her lover. Shug also help Celie become independent women. So what I have learned from the end of this book is that not all differences can be overcome. Also at the end of the book there were lot of people that came together, like the one between Celie and Mr.______, but there are several unresolved differences at the novel’s end. Like the one  between the Olinka villagers and the whites and between Nettie and the indigenous Africans. I think this was an amazing book, and it was a little bit disturbing but other then that it was good. I will give this book and 6 out of 10. Number 1 being the worse and 10 being the best.

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