Thursday, April 25, 2013

Post #4

The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales was written by a man name Geoffrey Chaucer. There are 19 tales altogether, and they were written in the 14th century.The Canterbury Tales tell the story of a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury who engage in a tale-telling contest.The prize for this contest is a free meal at the Tabard Inn at Southwark on their return.

The Reeve 

The Reeve is the third story told in The Canterbury Tales. The Reeve is a is the manager of a large estate who reaped incredible profits for his master and himself. In the story they say that he is skinny and bad tempered . This reeve’s lord never loses so much as a ram to the other employees, and the vassals under his command are kept in line. However, he steals from his master. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Post #2

       So after what I posted last time what I have read so far, is that Celie's sister Nettie is being hit on by Mr.______ and he keeps giving her complaments on how shr looks good and stuff.  But every time Mr.______ does say something Nettie just passes the compalement to Celie. Because Nettie did that Mr.______ kicked Nettie out of the house and Celie thinks that her sister has died. That is what I have read so far this week.

        In class this week we read The Iliad and learned about Hektor and Achellies. We learned about the fight that they had and why they had the fight. I think that the movie Troy  is better then the Story personally but I didn't mind reading The Iliad .

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Post #1 For 2nd Quarter

This quarter I will be reading the book The Color Purple By: Alice Walker. The reason why I chose this book is because, I found the title of the book interesting. And because a lot of people said that it is a good book. So far i have read about 18 pages and what has happened in the book so far is that there is a girl name Celie. Who had got beaten up by her dad and raped by him too. Her mother just died, and she got married to this man who is called Mr.______ in the book.  Mr.______ has kids and they don't like Celie so they do thing to get Celie in trouble, then Mr.______ would beat her.  So far the book is sad but I know that it is going to get better. And that Celie's life is going to get better, and I will read until it does. Even though the book is sad i do like the way it is written and I like the setting how it takes place in her house, or some times at a story, and other places.  This is all I have for this time. :)